25 April 2009

Healing Macros

My 4 main Healing Macros:

/cast [target=mouseover, help][help][target=targettarget, help][target=player]Chain Heal

/cast [target=mouseover, help][help][target=targettarget, help][target=player]Riptide

/cast [target=mouseover, help][help][target=targettarget, help][target=player]Healing Wave

/cast [target=mouseover, help][help][target=targettarget, help][target=player]Lesser Healing Wave

As you can see they are pretty much the same. I found the base on the Plus Heals Forums. A great place to get some good info.

What they do is cast your desired spell on who ever you are moused over first. If you are not moused over anyone, it will cast the spell on your target. If you have no target it will cast on you.

I have been thinking about adding a focus to it, as I have noticed that I usually heal myself by mousing over my own unit frame, and very rarely do I target myself or have no target selected.

More on this later.


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